
6 Common Website Mistakes to Avoid if You Want to Achieve High Conversion Rate


In this blog article, you will learn about 6 most common website mistakes many business owners make, which cause their websites to have low conversion rate.

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Benefits of Having a High-Converting Website for Your Business

Your website is like a virtual shop that opens 24/7 to serve your visitors. However, your competitors are also competing for your consumers’ attention.

Consumers nowadays have a shorter attention span and a higher need for smooth user experience when browsing a website.


Here’s an eye-opening statistics : A user only takes 0.05 seconds to decide whether he/she likes your website or not, and whether to stay or click away.

Hence, if a business website doesn’t fulfill all these needs, it will eventually force the visitors to click away and go to its competitors’ website.

To make sure your website is competitive and is able to convert traffic into paying customers, it must be airtight.

Let’s find out what are the 6 common website mistakes that can stop your website from making your visitors stay longer and converting them!

6 Common Website Mistakes to Avoid


Web design that is not responsive

Besides on desktop, people also view content on their mobile phones, both vertically and horizontally. Hence, a responsive website design which is mobile-friendly matters.

Here are some facts to give you an idea on how users nowadays perceive the importance of mobile-friendliness.

  • 57% of users won’t recommend a business with a poorly-designed mobile website.
  • 85% of adults think that a company should make its mobile website as good as or better than its desktop website.
  • 70% of web traffic comes from mobile phones.

By using a responsive design, your website is able to adapt itself in different platforms and different window sizes by compressing menus and adjusting the size of containers, photos, fonts, buttons according to the screen’s size changes.


Google will rank your website by considering your website’s responsiveness. If your website ranks well on the search engine results page, it can bring you more visitors and quality leads.


Overwhelming visitors with bombastic features

Fancy features for websites such as slideshows, animations, gifs and plugins are nice-to-have, however not too much if you do not wish your website to load slowly and perform ineffectively!


When visitors find your website slow and unresponsive, they might just switch to another business which provides them better website experience.

Besides, fancy features might be aesthetically pleasing, but in fact, it might diffuse your main message and distract your visitors.

The best approach? Keep your website clean and clear. You can have slideshows and animations, but not too much. Remember, it’s the content quality that matters the most when it comes to maximising conversions.  


Neglecting search engine optimization (SEO) in content planning

Even if your website is nicely designed, well organised in content and fully optimised for loading speed, it will still be useless if you didn’t factor SEO into your website content.

Here are some stats you should know.

  • SEO drives 1000%+ more traffic  than organic social media.
  • 60% of marketers said that SEO is one of their highest quality sources of leads.

In short, you don’t simply just “write” content. You have to tap into what are the keywords your customers use when they want to find out more about your industry.


Then, include the important keywords in your content to let Google know that your website is relevant to what the searchers are interested in.

That’s how your website can rank higher in the search engine results page and bring in more visitors.


Too many links that open new browser windows

Bringing your visitors to another browser window when they click on every button on your website is definitely not a good idea as this gives them bad user experience.

It’s because a new browser doesn’t give them a “back” button to return to the previous site. It takes their effort to close the current window and go back to the previous site, especially on the mobile, which is frustrating enough to stop them from visiting your website again.

Not to mention that it also consumes bandwidth which can slow down users’ devices!

If you want to provide an awesome user experience to your website visitors, just stick to one browser window for each and every page of your website.



Including unnatural links to your website

Inbound links can help improve your website ranking, however that doesn’t mean you can buy links to boost the ranking. We are talking about good quality inbound links here.

Google perceives purchased links as unnatural and they can remove your page from the search results.


Best tip? Focus on Google-friendly link building methods that can increase your website ranking more effectively.


Not using Google Analytics

Google Analytics provides some free but useful tools for you to analyse your website performance.

You get to assess the users’ behaviours when they are on your site, prioritize and optimize the pages and sections they are looking for. The tools also help you address problems in your web design and identify bad performing pages where you can make necessary improvement.


Always do a website audit regularly to keep track of what you should optimize for a better user experience. The digital world is constantly evolving. Always stay informed on how you should improve your website and digital efforts, then only you can ace your business.


Having a website for your business is only the first step of your digital marketing effort. To outrank your competitors and make your visitors satisfied, it is important to optimize your website from time to time to keep up with the ever-changing digital landscape.

Think your business website needs an improvement but do not know where to start? Reach out to us today to learn more about our web design & development service. 

About Us
Magnus Digital is a Creative and Data-Driven Digital Agency in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. We provide data-backed strategies and proven digital solutions to help your brand achieve greatness.
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