
Avoid These 5 Landing Page Mistakes If You Don’t Want to Waste Your Ad Budget


1. Distracting buttons

Landing Page Mistake #1

2. Not being clear about the product

Avoid These 5 Landing Page Mistakes If You Don’t Want to Waste Your Ad Budget 1

3. Lacking of social proof and trust

Avoid These 5 Landing Page Mistakes If You Don’t Want to Waste Your Ad Budget 2

4. Not fast, and furious

Avoid These 5 Landing Page Mistakes If You Don’t Want to Waste Your Ad Budget 3

5. Absence of CTA

Avoid These 5 Landing Page Mistakes If You Don’t Want to Waste Your Ad Budget 4


Avoid These 5 Landing Page Mistakes If You Don’t Want to Waste Your Ad Budget 5
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Magnus Digital is a Creative and Data-Driven Digital Agency in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. We provide data-backed strategies and proven digital solutions to help your brand achieve greatness.
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